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Creative Empowerment – What does it mean to you?

Creative Empowerment Transmission

What does creative empowerment mean to you? This week I was inspired by one of my clients, who told me that she was a creative person, but had somehow lost the spark to create. Does this resonate with you? 


So I was inspired to record this Creative Empowerment Transmission for you, as a tool to help you to reconnect in with your innate creative nature (which is essentially the life force within us) and be guided by it. In Bali, it’s a commonly held belief that everyone is an artist. And if you’ve ever spent any time in Bali, you will have seen the evidence of this everywhere. There are examples of beautiful craftsmanship everywhere. There are streets kilometres long willed with wood carvings, paintings, sculptures, glass craft, mobiles, dreamcatchers and so many other beautiful arts and crafts. And as you drive by you see many people working in their shops on their creations. 

Given that life is essentially a creative act, I feel that art making in any form is a great way to reconnect us back with our life force, with the source of joy and happiness deep within us. Taking time to journal will also connect you in with your creative energy and your life force. 

Below is the video I made to help you connect in with your own creative energy, so that you are in deep connection with your life force and receive any guidance that is there for you. If you’d like to delve deeper into this topic, I would recommend ‘The Artist’s Way‘ book by Julia Cameron, which takes you through a whole series of exercises and practices to help you connect with the artist within.